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The domino effect: why a wide lens is needed to address displacement in central Africa

The domino effect: why a wide lens is needed to address displacement in central Africa

The Central African Republic (CAR), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), South Sudan and Sudan hosted together 7.15 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) as of July 2014 - 55 per cent of IDPs in sub-saharan Africa .

The briefing paper highlights the importance of taking regional dynamics into account when addressing internal displacement and its causes in these countries. Conflicts in this region characterised by poverty, low human development and porous borders often have spill-over effects on the political, socio-economic and humanitarian situation in neighbouring countries.

Further, the briefing paper highlights the need for stronger and more timely funding to the humanitarian response plans in CAR, DRC, South Sudan and Sudan. Low and un-timely funding, together with logistical problems and access restrictions hamper an effective and flexible response to IDPs' enormous needs in the region.

The paper concludes by exploring potential areas of cross-border learning which could help improve the national and international response to internal displacement in central Africa and strengthen the region as a whole.

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